Tuesday, July 28, 2009

WOW, where did the time go? It's been such an exciting, fast year. I can't believe my last post was November '08. Working full time has been such a wonderful experience that I loved but unfortuntately with Kevin's job and the demanding life of my kids I decided to resign. This year has been filled with so many great events especially the boys graduation from 6th grade. They enter middle school in September and I just can't believe where the time has gone. All three of them are amazing kids who I am sooooo proud of. Each of them has handled the demands of my job like troopers and stepped up to the plate when I needed them to. I feel this was such a growing year for Madeline. She has lost all her little girl ways and has developed into this beautiful girl that is geniunely giving, caring and loving. I am so proud of her. This year showed many changes in sports. She tried and loved basketball and continued to grow and learn in soccer and softball. She took the summer off from travel softball and has been on a world wide tour of playdates, pools, beach, sleepovers, etc. They boys also spent this past year engulfed in one sport or another going from basketball to spring travel, to REC, to summer travel and now gearing up for football. (And my mother wonders why I'm exhausted). I miss my old life and being home when they come shooting through the door at the end of each day. I'm so glad I am able to have the choice to stay home. It makes me sad to see how fast time really does fly and how I can never get these years back. My last day at The Westin Jersey City Newport is the middle of August. I am so thankful for having the opportunity to work there with such great people. I'm hoping to start "weekly" updating my blog. Look for more to come.........


The Crokes said...

So glad you're back and look forward to the updates....

Ken Hand said...
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Ken Hand said...

It sounds like you have had a busy year. Keep blogging - it's interesting to read about my extended family.
Your Cousin,
Kenny Hand