Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Kyle & Christopher

Happy 12th Birthday Kyle & Christopher............ The boy's turned 12 on Saturday. I can't believe that it has been that long. Kevin & I threw a surprise party for them. They actually had no idea. Christopher, being his cooperative self, gave me such a hard time going to dinner. He was down right abusive where we almost left him home. Kyle was so happy that we had something really special planned and was up, dressed and ready to go 2 hrs. prior to the party. The kids had a blast and I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Today is mine and Kevin's 13 year wedding anniversary. I love you honey!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

BACK TO WORK........................ I've headed back to work after 12 years of being home full-time. I have to say it is amazing how well my kids handled the change. I can't begin to say how proud I am of them. They are truly wonderful children with a great sense of family. They have realized how everyone can pull together to get things done. On the flip side I am exhausted getting up so early but I so happy to be in a job that is so much fun to go to. It is a time for change and I am so excited for all the changes coming our way personally and as a nation. I think people have a renewed spirit and mind and our nation has hope. I'm praying that our country can come together and support our new President. We are entering a time of Joy. I'm hoping we as a nation can find some peace as well.

Monday, November 3, 2008


We kicked off the weekend a little early this week. It started on Thursday night w/ Cabbage Night. They boys were off w/ their friends and got their first experience being out on that night w/out parents. The cops were everywhere!!!!!!!!!! Madeline spent it at a friends house w/ parental supervision. Halloween was a smashing success with Madeline dressed as a spicy pumpkin and the boys dressed as 70's basketball players. Gram came and got into the holiday fun w/her witches hat she stole from Gracie and our bun's (Michael) was some kind of scary swamp, skeleton monster. Abby didn't want to miss all the fun and we gave her a wig for some of our trick or treaters.